Salad Dressing & Topping

Wish-Bone, Fat Free Red Wine Vinaigrette, Salad Dressings
30 calories, 0g fat
per tbsp (1.1 oz)
Wish-Bone, Just 2 Good Ranch, Salad Dressings
40 calories, 2g fat
per tbsp (1.1 oz)
Compliments, Vinaigrette Balsamic, Salad Dressings
25 calories, 2g fat
per tbsp (0.5 oz)
Wish-Bone, Italian, Salad Dressings
80 calories, 8g fat
per tbsp (1.1 oz)
T. Marzetti, Ranch Salad Dressing, No dressing
160 calories, 17g fat
per serving (1 oz)
T. Marzetti, Ranch Salad Dressing, With Salt
160 calories, 17g fat
per serving (1 oz)
Roadhouse Grill, Asian Sesame Salad Dressing, With Salt
130 calories, 9g fat
per Tbsp (1.1 oz)
Roadhouse Grill, Honey Mustard Salad Dressing, With Salt
120 calories, 13g fat
per Tbsp (1.1 oz)