Candies and Chocolate

Squeeze Candy, Assorted Flavors, Tangy Zangy, 12 ea
140 calories, 0g fat
per tsp (1.4 oz)
Flavored Candies, Strawberries 'N Cream, Mike and Ike, 2 oz
Frooties, Strawberry, , Tootsie, 50 oz
150 calories, 2.5g fat
per ea (1.2 oz)
Jelly Beans, Smoothie Blend, Jelly Belly, 3.5 oz
140 calories, 0g fat
per pieces (1.4 oz)
Kiddie Mix, Pre-Priced, Candy Break, 2.25 oz
60 calories, 0.8g fat
per pieces (0.5 oz)
Candies, Halloween, Mellow Cream Pumpkins, Food Club, 8 oz
140 calories, 0g fat
per pcs (1.4 oz)
Candy, Pumpkins, Safeway, 10 oz
150 calories, 0g fat
per pieces (1.4 oz)
Eggs, Hiding, Judson-atkinson, 6 Oz
130 calories, 1.6g fat
per G (1.2 oz)
Candy, Dreamy Clusters, Dark Chocolate, Skinny Cow, 6 ea
120 calories, 6g fat
per pouch (1 oz)
Candy, Cherry, Twizzlers, 15 oz
190 calories, 1g fat
per package (2 oz)
Gummi Worms, , Silver Peak, 2.75 oz
140 calories, 0.5g fat
per pieces (1.6 oz)
Flavored Candies, Orange 'N Cream, Mike and Ike, 2 oz
220 calories, 0g fat
per pckg (2 oz)
Candy, Hazelnut & Strawberry, Duvalin, 9.52 Oz
80 calories, 5g fat
per Oz (5.3 oz)
Chewy Candy, Strawberry, Bon Bons, 4 oz
140 calories, 2g fat
per pcs (1.4 oz)