Candies and Chocolate

Candy, Chocolate Flavored, PEZ, 8 ea
35 calories, 0g fat
per roll (0.3 oz)
Truffle, Cayenne Cacao, Two Moms in the Raw, 3 oz
140 calories, 10g fat
per oz (1 oz)
Chocolate, 40%, Creamy Milk, Lilys, 3 oz
180 calories, 15g fat
per grams (1.4 oz)
Chocolate, 70% Dark Chocolate Almonds with Chili, Wegmans, 11 oz
170 calories, 11g fat
per cup (30g) (1.1 oz)
Dark Chocolate, 50% Cacao, Simply Lite, 3 oz
100 calories, 8g fat
per g (0.9 oz)
Belgian Dark Chocolate, , GuyLian, 3 oz
120 calories, 8.9g fat
per squares (1 oz)
Chocolate Coated Matzos, , Oppenheimer, 7 oz
235 calories, 11.1g fat
per piece (1.8 oz)
Dark Chocolate, Maragda, 70% Minimum Cocoa, Chocovic, 2.82 oz
45 calories, 3g fat
per section (0.4 oz)
Halvah, Chocolate, Marque Camel Brand, 3 oz
150 calories, 9g fat
per g (1 oz)
Choco Mochi, , Island Princess, 10 oz
128 calories, 5g fat
per oz (1 oz)
Smarties, , Shari Candies, 6 oz
25 calories, 0.3g fat
per roll (0.3 oz)