
Cosi, Four Cheese, Deep Dish and Flatbread
1281 calories, 38g fat
per oz (22.7 oz)
Cheez Whiz, Salsa Con Queso, Soups and Chowder
90 calories, 7.1g fat
per tbsp (1.2 oz)
Compliments, Cheese Processed
80 calories, 6g fat
per tbsp (1.1 oz)
Compliments, Cheese Process
80 calories, 6g fat
per tbsp (1.1 oz)
Cheez Whiz, Pasteurized Process, Pimento Cheese
68 calories, 5.6g fat
per cubic inch (0.6 oz)
Compliments, Cheese Process Light, Appetizers & Snacks
70 calories, 4g fat
per tbsp (1.1 oz)
Harvey's, Process Cheese Slice, canned vegatables
50 calories, 4g fat
per slice (0.5 oz)
Mr.Sub, Process Slice for Most Small Subs, canned vegatables
40 calories, 3g fat
per serving (0.4 oz)
Mr.Sub, Process Slice for Small Pizza Sub, canned vegatables
80 calories, 6g fat
per serving (0.9 oz)
Kroger, Process Cheese Product, Singles, 3 Cheese Blend
70 calories, 5g fat
per grams (3.5 oz)
Easy Cheese, Pasteurized Process Cheese Spread, Nacho
90 calories, 6.9g fat
per tbsp (1.1 oz)