Milk & Cream

Haagen-Dazs, Puddings, Coconut Cream, Dry Mix, Instant, Prepared With Whole Milk
97 calories, 0.6g fat
per portion, amount to make 1/2 cup (0.9 oz)
Kroger, 1% Lowfat Milk, 1% Milkfat Vitamins A & D
125 calories, 2.6g fat
per fluid ounces (8.3 oz)
Darigold, 1% Milkfat Lowfat Milk, 1% Milkfat Vitamins A & D
110 calories, 2.5g fat
per cup (8.5 oz)
Guida's, Milk - Plastic 1% Lowfat Milk, Horizon Organic
110 calories, 2.5g fat
per cup (8.3 oz)
Smith's, 1% Lowfat Milk, Horizon Organic
100 calories, 2.5g fat
per grams (3.5 oz)
Dean's, 1% Lowfat Milk, Hood Simply Smart
100 calories, 2.5g fat
per cup (8.5 oz)
Trader Joe's, Organic 1% Lowfat Milk, with Vitamins A & D
110 calories, 2.5g fat
per cup (8.5 oz)
Land O'Lakes, 1% Lowfat Milk, Lowfat, 1% Milkfat
110 calories, 2.5g fat
per grams (3.5 oz)
Guers Tumbling Run Dairy, Skim Milk, Cheese Supreme
90 calories, 0g fat
per grams (3.5 oz)
Guers Tumbling Run Dairy, 1% Lowfat Milk, Chocolate
100 calories, 2.5g fat
per grams (3.5 oz)