Burgers & Sandwiches

Smashburger, Chili Cheese Dog, Meat Pre-Wrapped Sandwiches Lunch
670 calories, 46g fat
per grams (3.5 oz)
Culver's, Chili Dog w/Bun, Meat Pre-Wrapped Sandwiches Lunch
399 calories, 27g fat
per serving (5.6 oz)
After Eight, Singles, Sandwich Cheese
80 calories, 3.5g fat
per serving (0.5 oz)
Ocean's, Salmon Singles, Sandwich Mate
110 calories, 4.5g fat
per serving (2.6 oz)
Spam, Hamburger, Regular, Single Patty, With Condiments And Vegetables
279 calories, 13.5g fat
per sandwich (3.9 oz)
Spam, Cheeseburger, Large, Single Patty, With Condiments And Vegetables
451 calories, 22.7g fat
per sandwich (7.7 oz)
Spam, Hamburger, Large, Single Patty, With Condiments
440 calories, 20g fat
per sandwich (6.1 oz)