
Malt-O-Meal , Cereal, Mini Spooners, Strawberry Cream
196 calories, 1g fat
per cup (2 oz)
President's Choice, Cereal Bars Five Fruit, one dish favorites
130 calories, 2.5g fat
per bar (1.3 oz)
Freedom Foods, Active Balance, Buckwheat & Quinoa Cereal
185 calories, 4.2g fat
per bowl (1.8 oz)
Morrisons, Right Balance Breakfast Cereal, Carbonell
181 calories, 1g fat
per Serving (1.8 oz)
Great Value, Crunchy Honey Oats With Almonds Cereal, Great Value
130 calories, 1.5g fat
per serving (1.1 oz)
Great Value, Cereal, Crunchy Honey Oats with Almonds
130 calories, 1.5g fat
per cup (1.1 oz)
Great Value, Toasted Whole Grain Oat Cereal, with Rye Meal
101 calories, 1.5g fat
per cup (1 oz)
Cap'N Crunch, Sweetened Corn and Oat Cereal , Cap'n Crunch
110 calories, 1.5g fat
per serving (1 oz)
President's Choice, Corn Dunks Cereal, Snack Cakes
110 calories, 0g fat
per cup (1.1 oz)
Optimum, Cinamon Blueberry Flaxseed Oatmeal, Hot Cereals
150 calories, 2.5g fat
per packet (1.4 oz)
Wegmans, Multigrain with Flaxseed Bagels, Hot Cereals
330 calories, 4.5g fat
per bagel (4 oz)
Good Sense, Flaxseed Organic Low Carb, Hot Cereals
145 calories, 11g fat
per tablespoons (1.1 oz)