Pasta Dishes

Pizza with beans and vegetables, thin crust
292 calories, 12.2g fat
per piece, NFS (4.6 oz)
Pizza with beans and vegetables, thick crust
388 calories, 14.1g fat
per piece, NFS (6.1 oz)
Pizza, no cheese, thin crust
206 calories, 10.1g fat
per piece, NFS (2.6 oz)
Pizza, no cheese, thick crust
361 calories, 14.8g fat
per piece, NFS (4.4 oz)
White pizza, thin crust
333 calories, 18.5g fat
per piece, NFS (3.2 oz)
White pizza, thick crust
501 calories, 23.6g fat
per piece, NFS (5 oz)
Calzone, with cheese, meatless
1637 calories, 93.7g fat
per calzone or stromboli (15 oz)
Calzone, with meat and cheese
1480 calories, 77.5g fat
per calzone or stromboli (15 oz)
Pizza Hut Calizza
1480 calories, 77.5g fat
per calzone or stromboli (15 oz)
Pizza rolls
48 calories, 1.5g fat
per miniature roll (0.5 oz)
Pizza Bites
48 calories, 1.5g fat
per miniature roll (0.5 oz)
Egg roll, meatless
33 calories, 1.6g fat
per miniature egg roll (0.5 oz)
Chinese roll
33 calories, 1.6g fat
per miniature egg roll (0.5 oz)
Egg roll, with shrimp
33 calories, 1.6g fat
per miniature egg roll (0.5 oz)
Egg roll, with beef and/or pork
36 calories, 1.9g fat
per miniature roll (0.5 oz)
Egg roll, with chicken or turkey
33 calories, 1.5g fat
per miniature egg roll (0.5 oz)
Roll with meat and/or shrimp, vegetables and rice paper (not fried)
79 calories, 1.9g fat
per roll (4-1/4\" x 1-1/2\" dia) (2.5 oz)
Vietnamese Bo Bia Roll
79 calories, 1.9g fat
per roll (4-1/4\" x 1-1/2\" dia) (2.5 oz)
Won ton (wonton), fried, filled with meat, poultry, or seafood
36 calories, 2.1g fat
per wonton, any size (0.7 oz)
Pot Sticker
36 calories, 2.1g fat
per wonton, any size (0.7 oz)